Quick Links and Notes#
Quick Links to docs#
Markdown Plugin <- look here for translating sphinx commands into markdown
Theme <- look here to customize how something looks
Setting up your enviroment#
clone the code
git clone https://github.com/Gold-Rush-Robotics/Docs.git
cd into the repo
cd Docs/
make a virtual env
python3.8 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r docs/requirments.txt
build the docs locally
cd docs/
make html
Then you can find the docs in _build/html/index.html
Once you are satisfied with your changes push them up!
Quick tips and tricks#
The docs will try to auto build and deploy when you push to main (yay CI/CD)
Creating new files#
Each new file needs a title which you can make with # and then a space then some text
(Feel free to click view source to see how this one is working)
Make sure to include any new file you make in a toctree directive higher up or it won’t show up anywhere
Markdown syntax quick ref#
use # for headers the number of # is the header level so # is H1 and ## is H2
use * for italics
use ** for bold
use ~~ for
Unordered list with -
Or with *
Ordered lists are just \1.
If you want to be fancy - [ ]
You can make task lists - [X]
Random stuff#
H2O subscripts with {sub}`2`
coming soontm or superscripts {sup}`tm`
oogly boogly quotes with >
def syntax_highlighting():
# you can do syntax highlighted code
print("this is cool....")
return 0
use ```python for syntax highlighting
Dont forget footnotes! [1]
for more cool markdown check out the docs
Syntax Type |
Quick Link |
Admonitions |
Images and figs |
Tables |
Cross Refrences |
Math and equations |